The Air Mail 100 Story

About Air Mail 100 Centennial Flight

FLIGHT Commemoration

Our Mission

Air Mail 100 seeks to recruit volunteer private aircraft pilots and their planes to each fly one of the legs of the original transcontinental airmail route from Long Island, New York to San Francisco Bay, California. Flying in relay this coming September, we aim to transfer from plane-to-plane a ceremonial sack of commemorative letters and post cards, not unlike the one sent in 1918. Adjunct to this, we hope that each community that once hosted a U.S. Air Mail landing field will issue a proclamation noting the historic significance their predecessors played in this nationally important and extremely risky venture.

In addition to retracing each of the flights, we hope that each pilot will record the flight, if possible using GoPro-type video cameras, as well as taking still photos of themselves, their aircraft, the airports from which they depart and land, as well as the supporters who come out to watch the transfer. We can then share these on the Internet, thus memorializing for posterity this important milestone in America's story economically, technologically, sociologically.


Proposed Flight Schedule

Click the image to enlarge a screen shot of the proposed flight schedule for September 2020 with tentative dates of 8th-11th.

(Revised 20-June-2020)


Making History Together

One way we are considering each of us helping play a part in this commemorative flight is the possibility of offering special postcards that can be mailed to yourself, to family and/or friends. We are also open to other ideas: apparel, coffee mugs, flying scarves?


Join Our Adventure

Watch this space as we evolve the project.